Who Am I?
This blog post is about who I am and why I am here (again).
I don't even know where to start. I have just started typing this post and I'm already getting emotional.
Hi. My name is Rita. I'm a Hungarian single mother, self-employed language teacher, translator and interpreter.
I first started blogging in 2013 when I was diagnosed with PCOS. At that time, I was blogging in Hungarian, but I didn't like the competitive nature of the Hungarian blogger community and I also wanted to reach more people, so I decided to stop blogging in my native language and switch to English. I became part of an awesome international community of bloggers and I even started my own YouTube channel. I was getting more and more followers and subscribers, companies paid for some of my posts and I had wonderful friends from all over the world with the help of the Internet. It felt like a second home.
Two years ago, major changes - traumatic changes - happened in my personal life, though, and this February, things took a terrible turn. I would like to share names or relations but a couple of people forced me to delete my blog and my channel, as well. I had been trying to hold on for months, but in February, a final blow made me get rid of my beloved and treasured hobby. I lost my favourite pastime activity and all those great, supportive foreign friends.
Fast forward to this month (October 2021), some supportive people have persuaded me to get back to blogging. I know it will be difficult to build a blog, a channel, a community again but I decided to give it a shot.
I would like to share my everyday life, experiences as a single mother and self-employed thirty-something woman with you.
I would love to read your questions and comments.
Thanks for reading this post.
(source of the image: Office photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com)
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